There are several types of artificial lenses (called intraocular lenses, IOLs) that we can use during cataract surgery:
“Monofocal” means that the artificial lens provides a sharp image at a single distance; everything else is out of focus. If we focus your eye at far distance, you will see out of focus at intermediate and at reading distance. You will need progressive glasses.
“Aspheric” means that the artificial lens is optimized to provide the most distortion-free vision possible, and the colors and contrasts are brilliant.
The artificial lenses we use are both monofocal and aspheric.
“EDOF” stands for “extended depth of focus“, which means that this artificial lens does not have a focal point, but rather a focal tube. Thus, this artificial lens provides a brilliant image in the distance and quite a good image in intermediate and reading distance. You can read short texts completely without reading glasses and you can also see the instruments in focus when driving.
These artificial lenses must be perfectly centered during surgery or they will not work properly.
Do you also have astigmatism? Toric artificial lenses can correct astigmatism.
The artificial lenses we use most frequently (monofocal aspheric / EDOF) can also be made toric and thus correct astigmatism at the same time.
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