The quality of a treatment depends on the experience of the surgeon. ELZA’s eyelid surgeons are Dr. med. Dr. Dion Paridaens and Prof. Dr. Farhad Hafezi. Together, our surgeons have more than 30 years of experience and have performed more than 20,000 lid operations.
Dr. Paridaens heads the Department of Eyelid, Tear and Orbital Surgery at the Eye Clinic Rotterdam in Holland and has been operating complex cases in Switzerland for 15 years. Prof. Hafezi has completed a supplementary education (Fellowship) in Plastic and Reconstructive Lid Surgery.
Over the course of his career, Paridaens has published more than 140 scientific publications on eyelid, lacrimal and orbital surgery.
Dr. Paridaens has worked as a senior physician at the Ophthalmic Clinic Rotterdam since 1996 and leads their Department of Eyelid, Tear and Orbital Surgery. Since 2001, he has offered a fellowship in eyelid and tear surgery, and has already trained several generations of young surgeons in this sub-specialty.
Os principais focos do Dr. Paridaens estão envolvidos na cirurgia estética e reconstrutiva das pálpebras, cirurgia lacrimal e cirurgia orbitária ocular.
Dr. Paridaens is the co-founder of the Thyroid Center Rotterdam and, since 2014, has been the secretary of the ESOPRS (European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery).
Dion Paridaens has published more than 140 peer-reviewed scientific journals in international journals and was editor of ORBIT from 1999 to 2013 (International Journal on Orbital Disorders, Oculoplastic and Lacrimal Surgery).
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