In the 2024 Expertscape rankings, Prof. Farhad Hafezi, MD, PhD, FARVO, is celebrated as the world’s foremost expert – the world’s #1 in CXL. Furthermore, Dr. Emilio Torres-Netto, MD, PhD, FWCRS secures the second position, while Dr. Mark Hillen, PhD, ranks fifth globally. These rankings highlight our commitment to pioneering progress in eye care.
Expertscape, a medical publication analytics company, provides objective, up-to-date rankings of top doctors and researchers in various medical fields. It assesses the body of work published by medical professionals over the past decade in PubMed’s database. Rankings are based on several criteria, including the recency of publications, the prestige of the journals in which the work appears, the type of article, and authorship position, all of which reflect the quality of the individual’s contributions.
Prof. Hafezi, has also been recognized among the world’s top ten – or top 0.0097% – experts in keratoconus, and ranks in the top 0.057% of cornea specialists. Additionally, ELZA’s consultant glaucoma surgeon, Prof. Kaweh Mansouri ranks in the top 0.033% of glaucoma experts worldwide; and our consultant cornea surgeon, Dr. Lamis Baydoun, is among the top 0.3% of corneal transplant surgeons globally. Last, but not least, Dr. Dion Paridaens ranks in the top 0.3% of specialists in orbital diseases. ELZA truly has a surgical team of global experts.